Netsuite Connector

4 min readFeb 23, 2021

Author: Preetam Deshmukh

The NetSuite connector makes use of the SuiteTalk WSDL to provide SOAP-based integration, generate NetSuite business objects, make use of different authentication levels, and support error handling.

NetSuite Connector provides the following features:

  • SOAP-based integration
  • Generation of NetSuite business objects
  • Different authentication levels
  • Error-handling support
  • Access to NetSuite using REST calls to RESTlets that expose APIs created with SuiteScript

To install connector

  • Search for Netsuite connector in Exchange
  • Click Install

Netsuite Configuration

The Netsuite connector supports below four authentication for connection:

1] Login Authentication

2] Request Based Authentication

3] SSO Authentication

4] Token Authentication

  • Depending on the authentication provide the details and test the connection.
  • Once the test connection is successful we can leverage the operations supported by the connector.


If you are facing the below permission issue :

SOAP_FAULT: You do not have permission to control SuiteScript and Workflow Triggers in Web Services Request.

Netsuite’s Suitescript behavior upon webservice trigger can be controlled via the below preferences in connector’s advanced tab (highlighted in the screenshot)

Netsuite Connector Examples

1] Get : This is used to retrieve a record by providing the unique ID that identifies that record.


  • To get a file base on internal id
  • To get the custom list

2] Search: The search operation is used to execute a search on a specific record type based on a set of criteria. This processor has been enhanced with a paging mechanism. Searches can be Basic, Advanced, or Join searches. Example: Search for a file based on internal id

3] Upsert Record : Adds a new instance or to update an instance of a record in NetSuite.

The upsert operation is similar to both the add and update operations, but upsert can be run without first determining whether a record exists in NetSuite. A record is identified by its external ID and its record type. If a record of the specified type with a matching external ID exists in the system, it is updated. If it does not exist, a new record is created. Because external ID is mandatory for this operation, upsert is supported only for records that support the external ID field. Also, this operation prohibits the passing of internal ID values. Example: To upsert the employee record

4] Update Record: Updates an existing record. The attributes can either be the POJOs corresponding to the field or a map that represents it.

Example: To move file to netsuite processed folder

