Author: Nisha Kshirsagar
The metrics accelerator (formerly metrics framework) is a Mule application designed to collect, aggregate, and load platform metrics into different visualization systems. It provides out of the box integrations and visualization options, including useful dashboards and charts. In addition to the platform metrics, the accelerator also extends the capabilities to integrate with external applications like Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Bitbucket, and Splunk to gather SDLC metrics.
- Mule Runtime 4.2.1 or above
- All deployments models are supported: CloudHub, OnPrem hosted Runtimes, Runtime Fabric
- Anypoint Platform credentials that can be Anypoint Platform user with the Organization Administrator role in the master organization and all Sub Orgs you want to collect data and a Connected App (client credentials) with the scopes (make sure to include all Sub Orgs and all environments you want to collect data): Design Center, Exchange, Runtime Manager, Runtime Fabric, API Manager.
- Clone or download the project from GitHub:
- Import it into Anypoint Studio
3. Adjust the properties and make sure to encrypt all sensitive data using the Secure Properties Module. Default configurations defined in /src/main/resources/properties/app-{env}.yaml
4. Default secure config file defined in /src/main/resources/properties/secure/app-{env}.yaml
5. Example mule.key used and configured as a Global Property under global.xml file
6. Provide encrypted anypoint org ID, username, password, client id, and client secret
7. Provide the encrypted username, passwords, and tokens of the external applications like Jira, Jenkins, Bitbucket, and Splunk
8. Run the project and test it — go to your browser and open http://localhost:8081/console/
9. Try the GET method of platform metrics
10. You can see the response in JSON format. The response will include the details of Active Users, Environments, Design Center Metrics, Exchange Metrics, API Manager Metrics, Runtime Manager Metrics, Applications, and many more.