Introduction to Error Handling using Anypoint Studio (Mule 4)

6 min readDec 30, 2020


Author: Sanket Kangle

Error handling refers to the anticipation, detection, and resolution of programming, application, and communications errors.

There are different types of errors such as syntax error, logical error, and runtime error.

In programming, a development error is one that can be prevented. Such an error can occur in syntax or logic. Syntax errors, which are typographical mistakes or improper use of special characters, are handled by rigorous proofreading. Logic errors, also called bugs, occur when executed code does not produce the expected or desired result. Logic errors are best handled by meticulous program debugging. This can be an ongoing process that involves, in addition to the traditional debugging routine, beta testing prior to the official release and customer feedback after the official release.

A run-time error takes place during the execution of a program and usually happens because of adverse system parameters or invalid input data. An example is the lack of sufficient memory to run an application or a memory conflict with another program. On the Internet, run-time errors can result from electrical noise, various forms of malware, or an exceptionally heavy demand on a server. Run-time errors can be resolved, or their impact minimized, by the use of error handler programs, by vigilance on the part of network and server administrators, and by reasonable security countermeasures on the part of Internet users.

In this article, we will focus on handling runtime errors through different levels of Error handlers. In Anypoint Studio, the following are different levels of error handler.

  • Mule default error handler
  • Global error handler(custom)
  • Flow level error handler
  • Scope level error handler

Mule Default Error Handler

If no error handler is defined, all runtime errors are handled by a Mule default error handler. Mule default error handler handles all messaging errors thrown in the Mule application implicitly and globally. It stops the execution of the flow and logs the information about the error. Mule default error handler acts the same for all the applications and cannot be configured manually.

When an error is thrown, an error object is created and added to the Mule event. It has many properties but the following two are the most important ones.

  • error.description — A string
  • error.errorType — An object giving the lineage of the error

Error types are identified by a namespace and an identifier. e.g. HTTP:UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP:CONNECTIVITY, etc. Error types are hierarchical in nature which allows for a different level of granularity for catching errors. This gives the flexibility to configure an error scope for a specific namespace and identifier or any identifier in the namespace. Every error type has a parent error type. ANY is the most general parent i.e. it does not have a parent. All levels can be general or critical as shown in the following exhibit.

Critical errors are so severe that they cannot be handled. ANY is at the top level in General errors. The UNKNOWN type is used when no clear reason of the error is found. This error can only be handled by ANY type. This allows specifying unclear errors in the future without changing the existing App’s behavior.

Let us now understand this better with an error handling scenario.

Error handling scenario 1:

In this scenario, there is no error handler at the flow level. As the flow is executing and the error occurs at the event processor labeled E. Because of this processor P and any subsequent processors will never be executed as shown in the exhibit below.

Since there is no error handler defined, the event will be passed to the Mule default error handler. The Mule default error handler logs the error information and returns the event with the error object because it uses an on error propagate scope. This is called rethrowing the error and since this is the calling flow, it returns an error response to the HTTP listener. This is shown in the following exhibit.

Let us see this scenario with a working example.

The XML of the above flow is as follows.

Debug the application to understand how the error is handled.

Once your application is successfully deployed, Go to Postman or Advance rest-client and send a request to the API. As seen in the exhibit below, the payload is not set yet.

Moving one step forward, the payload is set to “Max Mule” (exhibit below)

When another step is taken, the error is thrown by the “is null” validation processor. As this flow does not have any scope level, flow level, or global error handler, the Mule event goes to the Mule default error handler. (exhibit below)

When we step further, the error is rethrown and an error response is recorded as Mule default error handler uses on error propagate scope.(exhibit below)

We get the following response in Postman.

Global error handler

Though one cannot modify Mule default error handler, we can create a global(application level) error handler. When we define error handler, the first thing to do is to add a scope that is used to organize the event processors much as a flow does. There are two types of error handling scopes:

  • On Error Propagate
  • On Error Continue

Let us look at each one in detail.

On Error Propagate

All event processors in the error handling scope are executed. At the end end of the Scope:

  • The rest of the flow that threw the error is not executed
  • The error is rethrown up to the next level and handled there

The HTTP listener returns the error response.

On Error Continue

All event processors in the error handling scope are executed. At the end end of the Scope:

  • The rest of the flow that threw the error is not executed
  • The event is passed up to the next level as if the flow execution had completed successfully

The HTTP listener returns the successful response.

A global error handler can also be defined for the whole application. It is revoked only when there is no scope level or processor level error handler. We can do so by adding the “Error Handler” scope to a Mule configuration file. Typically, it is put in the global configuration file. Then this handler needs to be specified as the application’s default error handler.

You can add any number of error handler (propagate or continue) scope to this global error handler. Each error handler scope specifies when it should be executed. The error is handled by the first error scope whose condition evaluates to true.

Reference: MuleSoft Partner



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