MuleSoft + BigQuery Series 3

5 min readOct 23, 2020


In previous blogs, we have exploded multiple ways of connecting to Google BigQuery:

In this series, we will be exploring Google BigQuery with MuleSoft Database connector and a simple demo on Fetching records from Table using Database SELECT Operation.

Quick Points?

  • We will be using MuleSoft’s Database Connector with JDBC Driver to connect Google BigQuery to allow users to select, insert, and update data easily.
  • We will be using BigQuery’s Service account to connect with MuleSoft.


  • We need to have a google cloud account/sandbox account.

Setup Service Account @Google BigQuery:

  • Click on Create Service Account
  • Configure Service Account Name and Copy Service Account Email:
  • Add BigQuery relevant roles for this user:
  • After successful creation of a service account, go to Service Accounts. Click on Create Key:
  • Select Key Type as JSON and download the Key file:

Setup Database Configuration:

  • We need to download a simba JDBC driver to setup connectivity between BigQuery and MuleSoft.
  • We can find relevant jar files from here.
  • We will be using “GoogleBigQueryJDBC42.jar” from the extracted zip file.
  • We need to add common dependencies to the project (I will be sharing a POM file at the bottom of the blog for reference).
  • Now go to the Database connector and Select Generic Connection. Configure JDBC Driver as below:
  • We can edit/update JDBC Connection URL in this way:


  • Example: (Update this according to your values/placeholder)
jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=navigation-api-demo;OAuthType=0;OAuthPvtKeyPath=/Users/Eswara Pendli/AnypointStudio/studio-workspace1/poc-bigquery-database-blog/src/main/resources/navigation-api-demo-1cfaf2c56e84.json;;
  • We can get project-id & service-account-email / client_email from the downloaded key file.
  • Update the JDBC URL and Driver Class Name section as below:

Driver Class Name: com.simba.googlebigquery.jdbc42.Driver

  • That’s it! We are now able to establish connectivity between Google’s BigQuery and MuleSoft using Service Account.


  1. If connectivity is not successful, try to add GoogleBigQueryJDBC.jar to build path manually:
  1. Make sure Service Account has enough privileges to read/write the data from BigQuery’s table:
  1. If you are getting the following exception after updating POM file:

Then, add GoogleBigQuery.jar file manually by providing respective jar file location, groupId & artifactId:

Make sure you have removed existing sharedLibrary & dependency regarding GoogleBigQuery.jar:

Now, we are able to establish connectivity.

Configure Database Select Operation

  • Configure/Update SQL Query for BigQuery using DatasetName & TableName:

Ex: Select * from datasetName.tableName from Table

Here is the POM file for reference :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>poc-bigquery-database-blog</name> <properties>
<!-- <sharedLibrary>
</sharedLibrary> -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->

<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->

<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<name>Anypoint Exchange</name>
<name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
<name>mulesoft release repository</name>

BigQuery is fully-managed, we don’t need to deploy any resources such as disks and virtual machines. It is easy to use with high SLA.

Happy Learning!




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